Vicki Haddock; ACC Certified|NLP Practioner;  Life and Business Coach works with individuals and businesses to help them design a life and business they love.  She wants to see YOU tap into and explore the potential that is ready to be unlocked inside of you.

I was spending the afternoon with my mom and out of the blue, she said: “I’m thinking of nominating you for one of those complete house makeover shows.”

I was stunned.

Yes, my roof needed to be replaced, the front steps of the house were about to fall off, the carpet in the kitchen was disgusting (who puts CARPET in a kitchen anyway!?) and the other list of needed repairs was long.

I had just left a 17-year marriage that had been a financial nightmare almost since the beginning.  I now expected there to not be enough money to fix the things that needed to be fixed and how was I going to pay for things like soccer registration fees and school clothes.

It felt overwhelming and with my mom’s simple comment I was jarred to my reality.

I had already decided I was not going to continue living life how it had been and now my eyes were open to one more level of change I needed.

When you make a decision to change the universe claps and begins to show you the path forward.

That is exactly what happened – I learned of a class being held near me by MK Mueller, author of 8 to Great – The Powerful Process for Positive Change.  I instant knew I needed to attend.  When I called to register I was told the class was full.   I was puzzled and sad as I strongly felt I needed to be there.  Two hours later I received a phone call back that telling me that space had been made for me to attend!  This one class gave me the seeds of information I needed to begin growing in a new positive direction.

I walked away with a new understanding that my thoughts create and shape the world I live in.  I never knew there was a difference between scarcity and abundance thinking until then.

Right away I began a practice of gratitude with my kids.  “Let’s focus on the good things we have in our life,” I told them.  I began to see that even though my house was in great need of some care I was super grateful we had a home!  And we had a home that had the space we needed.

The first step towards discarding a scarcity mentality involves giving thanks for everything that you have.  Wayne Dyer

I began practicing choosing my thoughts and what I focused on and immediately noticed it created different outcomes.  The 8 to Great class challenged us to do this with finding parking spaces – so I will give you this challenge!  Imagine pulling up to Wal-mart and the perfect amazing parking space is just waiting for you. That never happened to me before and now it began happening each time I was in a large parking lot as I focused on and visualized that my perfect space waiting for me!  My kids and I had great fun trying to spot “our parking space.” Today I still get great spaces – except when I totally forget to ask for one!

Then, I began to imagine help arriving to deal with the house issues.  One of my co-workers stopped by one night to help with a project and noticed the terrible shape of my roof.  Within several weeks he had rounded up a crew of people to shingle my house, assisted me in making sure the proper materials were ordered, and within one weekend the house had a new roof.  It amazed me that all these people gave their time and energy to be of service to me.

With growing new confidence that good things were available to me, I began new habits.  I set aside money to cover future expenses; I had the confidence to ask to be paid what I was worth at my job; I became determined that if we did not have the cash to buy something we didn’t buy it.  

Then, I moved and my house did not sell – well I had one offer that was WAY below market value.  Although it was not ideal,  I rented out the house and continued to hold the vision of it being a thriving asset for me.  Less than a year later the house caught fire and the entire inside was deemed a loss (What the HECK?! This wasn’t part of my plan!).  What a blow! Yet I held my vision steady and 6 months later repairs had been completed; fully paid for by insurance, and I sold the house for a significantly increased price.  

I could go on but I think you have the idea about how life shifted for me as I opened myself up to an abundance mindset and began believing the Universe Has My Back!  (If you have not read Gabby Bernstein’s book The Universe Has My Back I highly recommend it!)

So now the question is – are you ready to expand your thinking and begin embracing an abundant mindset?

I am here to be your guide now that you are ready (I KNOW you are ready!)

I will be teaching the steps I took to shift my thinking in my next class Embracing Abundance.  Pop on over to my website and get registered!

Living from an abundance mindset has brought me such joy.   Just last week I was cleaning out an old bag and found a $20 bill.  I said to my daughter – Oh! Look I found money! With a face as serious as can be she said – that happens to me all the time now.  At first, I thought she was joking – and then as I continued the conversation I realized she was absolutely serious! She has a thriving little business selling used things and lately, she has had an abundance of cash floating around!

It feels good to know that I am now passing on a legacy of abundance to my kids.  Just today my other son sent me a picture of a check that is just the amount he needed to cover college tuition – he took the initiative to do some extra work and was rewarded with the abundance he asked for!

So as the title of Wayne Dyer’s book says it all – You Will See It When You Believe It.   Join me in believing abundance is YOUR destiny!


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Vicki Haddock of Transcending Limits LLC is a life and business coach with a focus on helping you make your Eiffel Tower size hopes and dreams a reality.  Vicki uses her life experiences of overcoming toxic environments at home and at work; being a single parent and learning first of all to embrace her own wisdom and spirit.  She also uses her 20 year background in the transportation, safety and financial industry combined with her professional coach credential (ACC by the International Coach Federation) and the latest in neuroscience to help individuals and companies create excellence and live joyful fulfilled lives.  You may reach her at