Be The Cycle Breaker
Welcome Self
& Significance
We help courageous women become unsilenced so that they can end dysfunctional cycles and live purposefully each day with self-confidence and significance. She becomes the catalyst to transform herself, her family, and her workplace.
The 5 Top Ways Women Are Silenced!
Get your voice back!
1. Self-Doubt
2. Past Trauma
3. Religion
4. Culture
5. Family Patterns
Take the Quiz to find out where you are still being silent!

What’s up with the Eiffel Tower Everywhere on this site?
Be the Woman who says “This dysfunction stops with me!”
Discover Confidence and Clarity!
Find your voice to say difficult things with respect to all!
Rewrite the current story!

Become the Transitional Character for your family and workplace – the one who says this Shit stops with me! and then transforms herself and role models a new way to all around her!
- You’re sick of doubting yourself
- You wonder if all the personal development work you have done is paying off
- You want to take care of YOU first!
- You KNOW deep inside that all your experiences have to be for some significant reason
- You long for peace, joy, happiness, and relationships where people are truthful and take responsibility for themselves
- You KNOW you are here to make a difference…and you’re so ready to understand how


HI! I’m Vicki Haddock, host of the Becoming Unsilenced podcast and your guide on this transformational journey! I’ve developed the Unsilenced framework from my own journey of healing, connecting to my inner guide and discovering how to bring meaning and significance to others using my own life experiences.
I’ve personally created transformation for myself, my kids, and my work using this process of Healing, Connection, and Inspired Action so that today I live a joyful, peaceful life filled with adventure, alignment confidence, and significance.
You can read more ABOUT my journey here. I’ve dedicated hundreds of hours to creating the Becoming Unsilenced process and I have over 500 hours of guiding women just like you to find self-confidence and significance and become the catalysts for transforming themselves, their families, and their workplaces.
I firmly believe that when you get in tune with your inner true Self, you act as your own guide to greatness, no longer limited by the mind and instead owner the powerful being that you are. From this space, you transcend all limitations that once seemed like insurmountable obstacles and become the greatest potential that you always were.
Founder, Owner, and Transformational Guide
Transcending Limits LLC
Change is Easy when you follow a guide…

Be Seen, Heard and Understood
Live Every Day with Peace and Joy
Be the one who ends the cycles
Easily hold difficult conversations at home and at work
Live your greatest potential every day!
Inspire others to live their greatness
Thrive personally, professionally, physically, emotionally and sexually!
Confidently take Inspired daily action in the direction of your dreams!

We help you let go of the heavy burden of self-doubt and break the cycles of dysfunction and abuse. It starts with healing the wounds you still carry around with you today, connecting with your own wise spirit and inner guide, and adding new skills that give you the courage to take inspired action. You deserve to live a peaceful, joy-filled, significant life. Suffering is a choice you don’t have to make anymore. Live in alignment and deep trust in yourself every day!

It’s gut-wrenching and painful to watch your family repeat the same dysfunctional cycles. That’s why we are excited that YOU want to be the transitional character to change the narrative for this generation and the ones to come. The cycle’s can be broken. You can break them. It starts with a commitment that the cycles stop with you. You can do what seems impossible when you have willingness, support & learn new skills.

Stop being miserable at work. Instead be seen, heard, and valued for the skills you contribute. Rise above the dysfunctional, drama cycles that take over. Be a catalyst to create a workplace where everyone is happy and working in their zone of strength for the greater good of all. Whether you are the boss or employee, desire to be that influence in your current work or desire to find a work environment better aligned with your zone of genius we are here to partner with you. When you become the change you want to see, everything will change.

Have you always sensed that you were here for a greater purpose? Here you can connect with like-spirited women who share a common calling to bring healing, connect, and unsilenced significant living to all women Whether that desire is a seed inside of you bursting to grow or you have clearly discovered how to live out your own mission, this is a space for you to cultivate your leadership at a new level.
What’s up with the Eiffel Tower?

At Transcending Limits we use the Eiffel Tower metaphor as a symbol and framework for all of our experiential learning. We believe that the deeper and stronger you build your foundation, the greater the “Eiffel Tower size” impact you can have for yourself, your family, and your work. Our Becoming Unsilenced individual and group learning experiences all center on helping you build your strong foundation and framework to grow to your greatest potential.
Even though the idea of building the world’s tallest structure out of steel seemed impossible at the time, Mr. Eiffel built the impossible in just 2.2 years. Proof that magic happens when we push beyond fear, doubt and instead own the greatness we already are.