Lessons from a Horse: Stop Chasing and Start Allowing
I’m committed to living and making decisions from my inner wisdom and this felt like it quickly guided me straight to that inner wisdom while avoiding the pitfalls of the mind. It was clear that the joyful decisions reflected the energy of allowing while the less joyful ones reflected the energy of should, trying and resistance — or summed up — chasing.

14: BU#14 Living by Intuition – My Journey and Real Life Situations of Living Intuitively
1st In a series where I will share directly from my own life journey where I am committed to using my life situations as learning experiences, alignment before action, and letting my life be guided completely by my intuitive wisdom. In This Episode, I define what it...
Servant Leadership Finetuned….Why Ken Blanchard Got It Wrong
You may be wondering…wow…how can she openly say leadership Guru Ken Blanchard got it wrong?? Let me be clear from the start. I’m not here to discredit one of my favorite leadership experts. I’m here to share how I feel the word “Servant” doesn’t do the concept justice...
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