Uncategorized Archives - Transcending Limits LLC https://tslimits.com/blog/category/uncategorized/ When you Fear Less You Become Limitless Fri, 30 Jul 2021 17:12:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://tslimits.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/cropped-Favicon-1-32x32.png Uncategorized Archives - Transcending Limits LLC https://tslimits.com/blog/category/uncategorized/ 32 32 194785062 What Rules are you no longer afraid to break? https://tslimits.com/blog/what-rules-are-you-no-longer-afraid-to-break/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-rules-are-you-no-longer-afraid-to-break Tue, 07 Apr 2020 22:02:26 +0000 https://tslimits.com/?p=2186 Many rules and paradigms which existed for generations have been swept away and broken into pieces in just a few weeks as Corona Virus awareness swept throughout the world.
Here are a few that I have seen:

☑️ Companies who didn’t

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Many rules and paradigms which existed for generations have been swept away and broken into pieces in just a few weeks as Corona Virus awareness swept throughout the world.

Here are a few that I have seen:

☑ Companies who didn’t believe in employees “working from home” are now extremely willing and even mandating they work from home.

☑ Society believed that kids needed to be educated in a brick and mortar school in a traditional classroom. Educational systems that functioned the same way for generations now are embracing how we can use new technology and approaches to educate from anywhere.

☑ Families who were too busy most of their kids’ lives to have dinner together, take a vacation together, or just hang out — now are gifted the opportunity to eat together daily, have a staycation and find new ways to enjoy each other. (My own family has had more dinners together in the last few weeks than in the last few years and we are embracing Just Dance, biking and walks together.

☑ Parents who left schools and sitters to educate and raise their kids are now taking front-line active roles to keep their kids’ education going.

What happens when all of the rules we hold sacred break?

It creates uncertainty. For some it creates fear and for others, it will be the time they dig deep and determine what old rules will never again “rule” their lives.

When all the old rules get so quickly thrown out the window and proven false it creates an amazing opportunity to re-think and re-write what is important. It’s a clean slate to design a way of living appropriate for our era.

The following are three questions for you to ponder, evaluate and reshape what you want the future to be!

What was I doing that was not working for me?

Most of us are comfortably uncomfortable in some area of life. What have you put up with and tolerated that is no longer working for you? You weren’t ready to acknowledge it or take action on it a few weeks ago. You feared the pain of change would be greater than the pain of staying the same.

Guess what! Your proverbial applecart is already upset so it’s a great time to acknowledge, evaluate and decide — do I still want this in my life when the new normal emerges?

Now is an opportunity to take action in new directions.

Let go of what no longer serves you.

What was I not doing that I really wanted to be doing?

The second question I encourage you to look inward — what are those inner longings; urges; callings; desires that you have been ignoring? What was put on the back-burner until you had “time” to think about it?

The authentic desires of our hearts come to us as feelings and thoughts that bubble up from inside.

Society has given us many messages about how honorable it is to put others first; to sacrifice our own desires for those of the people around us. But is that really true? Has it gotten you what you want or where you want to be? In truth, we all want the happiest, healthiest, best lives for those around us. The even greater truth is if we are not experiencing that happy, authentic life for ourselves we can’t role model for others.

Take some time and let your imagination fly. All the rules are broken right now anyway. What would you rather be believing about you and your dreams and goals for the future? Take some time to journal about it. If you are new to journaling you can download a starter journal page here.

How can I use this time to Heal and Connect?

The third question may be the most powerful recommendation I have. In my own life, there has been nothing more powerful than connecting to my own intuition and wisdom and healing the deep hurts that kept me tethered to the past.

We each have a powerful guidance system within us. When we get to know and trust the voice of our intuition (some call it spirit, source, or God) anything becomes possible.

I can recall many times when I did not listen to that voice — one recently a few days before the stock market crashed that urged me to sell some shares of stock that I was about to cash out anyway! (I still don’t always listen and this was another lesson in trusting my own intuition because I did not sell!). I also know the beautiful feeling of listening to that inner wisdom and following it. It is what allows me to be here writing this to you now — living my dream of being an entrepreneur and coach being the guide others make pivoting life changes.

My inner wisdom has also led me to the hurts and sore spots in my soul that were ready to be healed. I work with so many women who have these amazing things they want to create in the world but fear, doubt, worthiness, and confidence holds them back. Each time these feelings are tied to roots of wounds that are ready to be healed. When those wounds are healed and the roots pulled, they claim their authentic power and begin showing up in the world and creating their dreams.

It’s up to you — during this time when all the rules of life are being re-written you have some choices. Will you turn in-ward and begin to re-write life how you want it to be? Or will you, in the end, allow society to create new rules around you that you conform to.

It’s up to you. The chains are being broken and you can allow your spirit to fly to freedom.


You can wait for the new chains that society will no doubt create and once again be chained down by life.

As for me and my house — we choose to fly unchained. Will you come soar with us?

Vicki Haddock is a life an business coach who empowers women to connect with their own inner wisdom, heal the hurts that hold them back, and embrace their authentic purpose in order to build their Eiffel Tower size dreams.  If you would like more guidance on how you can do this in your own life reach out to her at vicki@tslimits.com

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Everything will be OK! You are resilient! https://tslimits.com/blog/everything-will-be-ok-you-are-resilient/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=everything-will-be-ok-you-are-resilient Tue, 31 Mar 2020 22:47:55 +0000 https://tslimits.com/?p=2166 Now is the time for resiliency and optimism!

In the past few weeks, our language has changed. We are now using terms like “social distancing,” “quarantine,” “covid-19” and “community spread” as part of our everyday language. the next few weeks as “quarantine!”

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Now is the time for resiliency and optimism!

In the past few weeks, our language has changed. We are now using terms like “social distancing,” “quarantine,” “covid-19” and “community spread” as part of our everyday language. We have quickly adapted these words into our vocabulary like they had been there all along!

I want to add a few more words to your vocabulary. Words that may help you come out the other side of this stronger than you went into it. You may be familiar with these words already but I hope you will make them as much a part of your vocabulary in the next few weeks as “quarantine!”

Resiliency and Optimism.

Resiliency is defined as the capacity to recover or adapt quickly to tough situations.

Optimism is our overall sense that everything is going to be okay.

Resiliency and optimism are two key parts of emotional intelligence — another phrase that has become popular recently. Emotional intelligence is how we respond to the world around us.

We are resilient human beings. Throughout the history of the world, there have been many major upheavals. There have been world wars, droughts, floods, other illnesses and yet life always goes on and adapts to a new normal.

Everything will be OK. It will never look exactly the same as it did two months ago but it will be ok.

We are all in this together. Somehow knowing that my friends in Norway, Africa, Georgia, California, and Montana are all experiencing the same thing brings a sense of comfort. It means I am not alone. Whatever feelings and emotions that I am experiencing — there are millions out there experiencing it with me.

It’s okay to feel those emotions. Feel everyone one of them. One thing I have not been so good at in the past is sharing how I feel with others. I have done a lot of suffering in silence. I know in my head that’s not the best way to be but at times I find myself falling into the old pattern of holding things in until I feel like a volcano about to erupt!

So I am here to tell you — now is not the time to do that. Now is the time to share with others how this is impacting you. Somehow once we let the scary words out they are not so scary anymore and we can see things from a clearer perspective.

Instead, lean into how you feel. This gives those around you permission to accept and feel what is going on inside of them also!

Let the emotions pass on instead of marinating in them. When our mind runs to the what-ifs and the worries of the unknown you lose touch with resiliency and optimism. Instead allow your focus to be on the current moment and what is unfolding around you.

My kids and I have eaten more family dinners together, taken more bike rides, and had more conversations in the last two weeks than we have in a long time. So keep your eye focused on the good things around you. Share the sense of camaraderie with your neighbors (from a distance of course!)

We are blessed to live in an era of internet and cell phone signals. We are not isolated even when we are not physically connected.

Holding an attitude of resiliency and optimism will help you. It will help those around you to enjoy the moments and to look forward to what this new world will look like when the dust settles.

Challenges build us and make us stronger when we approach them with emotional intelligence. How will you weave your new words — resilient and optimistic — into your vocabulary and life this week?

If you would like to receive the future articles related to this topic please subscribe here.

Vicki Haddock of Transcending Limits LLC is a life and business coach with a focus on helping you make your Eiffel Tower size hopes and dreams a reality.  Vicki uses her life experiences of overcoming toxic environments at home and at work; being a single parent and learning first of all to embrace her own wisdom and spirit.  She also uses her 20 year background in the transportation, safety and financial industry combined with her professional coach credential (ACC by the International Coach Federation) and the latest in neuroscience to help individuals and companies create excellence and live joyful fulfilled lives.  You may reach her at Vicki@tslimits.com

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3 Ways to Start your Morning Better https://tslimits.com/blog/3-ways-to-start-your-morning-better/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=3-ways-to-start-your-morning-better Mon, 02 Mar 2020 23:21:17 +0000 https://tslimits.com/?p=2181 My day would always progress on in the exact same way — a flurry of running from thing to thing, here to there — and ending the day wondering just exactly what I had accomplished.

I was stretched to the limit with stress, feeling overwhelmed and frazzled.

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Perfect Morning.  Perfect Day

My morning routine (or total lack of it!) used to look somewhat like a mini-tornado every morning:

  • Hitting snooze on the alarm clock a few times
  • Flying out of Bed at the last minute possible
  • Rushing to make sure the kids were up and getting ready
  • Wildly gathering up everything I needed for the day
  • Slamming my travel mug in the coffee maker
  • Breathlessly flying out the door

My day would always progress on in the exact same way! It was usually a flurry of running from thing to thing. I routinely ended the day wondering what I had accomplished.

I was stretched to the limit with stress, overwhelmed and frazzled. Then I had a wake-up call. Something needed to change. One evening I lost sight in my left eye. It returned — but the doctors said it was stress-induced. I needed to make a change and quickly.  That is when I began experimenting with my morning routine.

I started with a commitment to 15 extra minutes in the morning for me. It took at least 6 months to get this down consistently. Then I began to notice that the days I started intentionally flowed better! I was more efficient, calmer, and more prepared. I still had just as many tasks to accomplish and people to see. My stress was reducing.

Fifteen minutes flowed into drinking my entire cup of morning coffee intentionally.  As I started my morning better, I became clearer on how to be more effective at work.  My confidence grew and I was clearer on what I wanted out of life.

The quiet mornings planted the seed of eventually leaving behind my very stable corporate job to embracing my dream of entrepreneurship. That dream continued to grow and it became clear to me that my passion and skill would be better used working as a full-time life and business coach.

Today, having made that transition, I embrace my mornings as the most important part of my day where my mindset and connection to my own wisdom is affirmed each day.

If you are like I used to be — frantically racing out the door each morning — I encourage you to begin with just 15 minutes for you each day.

Here are 3 habits to develop to start your day strong:


The first thing I start with is five minutes of mindful silence. Listening to your breath acts as a cleansing reset for the mind. If you are not used to silence even five minutes can seem like a long time. You can use an app like Headspace which is a great tool to begin a mindfulness practice or just listen and count your own breaths.


The second five minutes are reviewing positive affirmations.  They get you focused on the right things from the beginning of the day. These statements can include every aspect of how you want your life to be from parenting, relationships, job, money. They should be positive powerful statements that draw you forward to what you want. Affirmations are key in helping you create new habits and establish new neural networks to support those habits.


The last thing is five minutes of writing down your thoughts and feelings is a powerful way to re-connect with your own inner flame. You can begin by listing a few things that you are grateful for. Other ideas for journaling are re-writing your affirmations; asking questions like — What do I need to know today to be the best that I can be? Or logging emotions and feelings about events in your life.  If you would like some sample journal questions download my free journal guide.

I challenge you to explore the possibilities of how your day can unfold in a new way. Commit to consistently starting your day different and see what outcomes shift.

When I was going through life-coach training one of the concepts I learned was a perfect today makes a perfect tomorrow. I did not understand what that meant at first. Now I understand that for something to duplicate it first needs an example to duplicate from. By creating your ideal 15 minutes in the morning you send a new signal to the rest of your day that there is a new pattern to duplicate. You too can begin to create a perfect day from a perfect start to your day.

If you would like to receive the future articles related to this topic please subscribe here.

Vicki Haddock of Transcending Limits LLC is a life and business coach with a focus on helping you make your Eiffel Tower size hopes and dreams a reality.  Vicki uses her life experiences of overcoming toxic environments at home and at work; being a single parent and learning first of all to embrace her own wisdom and spirit.  She also uses her 20 year background in the transportation, safety and financial industry combined with her professional coach credential (ACC by the International Coach Federation) and the latest in neuroscience to help individuals and companies create excellence and live joyful fulfilled lives.  You may reach her at Vicki@tslimits.com


The post 3 Ways to Start your Morning Better appeared first on Transcending Limits LLC.

Business Lessons I learned from a visit to the Eiffel Tower https://tslimits.com/blog/business-lessons-i-learned-from-a-visit-to-the-eiffel-tower/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=business-lessons-i-learned-from-a-visit-to-the-eiffel-tower Mon, 24 Feb 2020 22:42:02 +0000 https://tslimits.com/?p=2131 Lessons I learned from a visit to the Eiffel Tower

In July of 2019, I took my first trip overseas to Europe. My daughter (who celebrated her 16th birthday on our trip) and I enjoyed one amazing sight after another as we toured eight different countries.

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Lessons I learned from a visit to the Eiffel Tower

In July of 2019, I took my first trip overseas to Europe. My daughter (who celebrated her 16th birthday on our trip) and I enjoyed one amazing sight after another as we toured eight different countries. Our last stop was Paris and the Eiffel Tower was top on our list of things to see.

I realize now how little I knew about the Eiffel tower before visiting. Yes, it is a well-recognized icon around the world. It is a symbol of love and romance.  I learned an unexpected lesson in fundamental business from my visit.  That lesson has become a model for myself and the clients I work with.

So here is a little history! Gustav Eiffel had a dream to create the tallest structure in the world for the Universal Exhibition (world fair!) of 1889. The State of France agreed to provide the financing and the project began. Like any business endeavor that is charting new paths the road was not always easy.

The first ten months of the project were all focused on creating a solid foundation for the tower to stand on. With all of the work below ground, the French government was suspicious no work was being done and withdrew funding.

Gustav Eiffel believed in the project so much that he found a way to continue financing the tower. In just twenty-two months the tower was completed and stood as the tallest structure in the world! It was ready for the opening of the world fair. This structure, a modern feat of engineering, was completed in less than two years! Eiffel was rewarded with the cost of the tower being recouped within one year after the tower was open!

That night as I stood on the upper deck of the Eiffel tower listening to the tour guide — it became so clear to me that I was learning a lesson about business that would travel with me forever after.


The first lesson I took away from the story of the Eiffel tower is how important it is to build a foundation that is equal in size to what you desire to create. Preparing that foundation takes time and during that time it often looks and feels like little progress is being made.

I had been preparing my foundation to move from the corporate world to being an entrepreneur as a full-time life and business coach. Preparing your foundation looks different depending on where you are at this moment.

Here are some key things to consider when preparing your foundation:

  • Knowledge — do you have all of the education, preparation, and information needed?
  • Resources — who and what are your resources to support you? Do you need to find a mentor or coach to partner with?
  • Blueprint — do you have a solid map of what you are going to accomplish? whether you are just starting a business as an entrepreneur or you lead a team that needs to turn around its safety record around; having a clear vision of where you are going is essential.
  • Action! There is a lot that goes into building a foundation before it becomes visible to others. Are you committed to taking the daily action needed? who will your accountability partner(s) be?

Whether you are an entrepreneur, own a brick and mortar business or lead a significant sized corporate team laying your foundation to build on is crucial.

The second lesson I learned from the Eiffel Tower was the foundation of a business is supported by solid structures. The Tower has four solid legs that were designed to support its height. Here are some business structures that are key to how significant you want to build your business:

  1. Mindset Management — how you control your attitude.  Your belief about success and daily actions will determine the attitude and environment and enjoyment level of what you create.
  2. Time Management — learning to use language and habits that support the best use of your time and attention to priorities is key. Learning to view our time as plentiful to get done needs done and developing the habits to honor and do what we say we are going to do set you and your business up for success.
  3. Client Enrollment — Whether you are a service industry (like I am as a coach) or a brick and mortar business looking for clients to buy your services — your strategy for finding the right clients and maintaining and growing your client base is key to success!
  4. Team Building — The success of your tower now depends on how well trained and developed the people leading the way are. Creating solid systems that teach fundamentals and increase emotional intelligence ensures the people side of your business will flourish.
  5. Marketing — How does the world know about you and your services! There are many marketing strategies from local networking to social media. Making sure this key aspect of how to connect to new clients has a solid repeatable process will support ongoing growth.
  6. Quarterly Measurement — A key part of growth is always setting expectations and always measuring. What worked, what didn’t work, what can we do better next time. Quarterly growth measurement keeps you focused forward while not losing sight of how those long term goals translate to today’s actions.

The Third lesson I took away from visiting the Eiffel Tower relates to the levels the tower itself is built in. It is built in three sections — a Lower deck, an Upper deck and then the spire.

Vision for growth steers how you do everything else. Do you plan on building a small business that serves locally? then your foundation and structures look slightly different. Do you plan on building a location independent business that connects people virtually worldwide? Then your foundation and structures look different yet. Are you part of a corporation and leading a team from the middle? If so your structures, support that!

When we have a vision for growth and benchmarks on how to reach them it keeps us moving forward. What does it look like for you to reach Phase 1 of your Eiffel Tower size business? and What would Phase 2 and 3 look like?

When you can see your Eiffel Tower size business vision clearly and keep focused on it that vision keeps you moving and making decisions that align with it every day.

hat will you do Next?

Creating something significant can be done in a short amount of time through planning, preparation, focus and consistent building.

I took these lessons and applied them to how I am building my own business and I also use them when helping clients see why their business might be struggling and how they can begin to strengthen their foundation to build on.

Take a few minutes to evaluate your role and the business you lead whether you are a team of 1 or 100. How can you apply these lessons?

If you would like to receive the future articles related to this topic please subscribe here.

Vicki Haddock of Transcending Limits LLC is a life and business coach with a focus on helping you make your Eiffel Tower size hopes and dreams a reality.  Vicki uses her life experiences of overcoming toxic environments at home and at work; being a single parent and learning first of all to embrace her own wisdom and spirit.  She also uses her 20-year background in the transportation, safety and financial industry combined with her professional coach credential (ACC by the International Coach Federation) and the latest in neuroscience to help individuals and companies create excellence and live joyful fulfilled lives.  You may reach her at Vicki@tslimits.com

The post Business Lessons I learned from a visit to the Eiffel Tower appeared first on Transcending Limits LLC.

Embracing Abundance – My Journey from Scarcity to Abundant Living https://tslimits.com/blog/embracing-abundance-my-journey-from-scarcity-to-abundant-living/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=embracing-abundance-my-journey-from-scarcity-to-abundant-living Wed, 05 Feb 2020 16:09:24 +0000 https://tslimits.com/?p=2082 I was spending the afternoon with my mom and out of the blue, she said: "I'm thinking of nominating you for one of those complete house makeover shows."

I was stunned.

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Vicki Haddock; ACC Certified|NLP Practioner;  Life and Business Coach works with individuals and businesses to help them design a life and business they love.  She wants to see YOU tap into and explore the potential that is ready to be unlocked inside of you.

I was spending the afternoon with my mom and out of the blue, she said: “I’m thinking of nominating you for one of those complete house makeover shows.”

I was stunned.

Yes, my roof needed to be replaced, the front steps of the house were about to fall off, the carpet in the kitchen was disgusting (who puts CARPET in a kitchen anyway!?) and the other list of needed repairs was long.

I had just left a 17-year marriage that had been a financial nightmare almost since the beginning.  I now expected there to not be enough money to fix the things that needed to be fixed and how was I going to pay for things like soccer registration fees and school clothes.

It felt overwhelming and with my mom’s simple comment I was jarred to my reality.

I had already decided I was not going to continue living life how it had been and now my eyes were open to one more level of change I needed.

When you make a decision to change the universe claps and begins to show you the path forward.

That is exactly what happened – I learned of a class being held near me by MK Mueller, author of 8 to Great – The Powerful Process for Positive Change.  I instant knew I needed to attend.  When I called to register I was told the class was full.   I was puzzled and sad as I strongly felt I needed to be there.  Two hours later I received a phone call back that telling me that space had been made for me to attend!  This one class gave me the seeds of information I needed to begin growing in a new positive direction.

I walked away with a new understanding that my thoughts create and shape the world I live in.  I never knew there was a difference between scarcity and abundance thinking until then.

Right away I began a practice of gratitude with my kids.  “Let’s focus on the good things we have in our life,” I told them.  I began to see that even though my house was in great need of some care I was super grateful we had a home!  And we had a home that had the space we needed.

The first step towards discarding a scarcity mentality involves giving thanks for everything that you have.  Wayne Dyer

I began practicing choosing my thoughts and what I focused on and immediately noticed it created different outcomes.  The 8 to Great class challenged us to do this with finding parking spaces – so I will give you this challenge!  Imagine pulling up to Wal-mart and the perfect amazing parking space is just waiting for you. That never happened to me before and now it began happening each time I was in a large parking lot as I focused on and visualized that my perfect space waiting for me!  My kids and I had great fun trying to spot “our parking space.” Today I still get great spaces – except when I totally forget to ask for one!

Then, I began to imagine help arriving to deal with the house issues.  One of my co-workers stopped by one night to help with a project and noticed the terrible shape of my roof.  Within several weeks he had rounded up a crew of people to shingle my house, assisted me in making sure the proper materials were ordered, and within one weekend the house had a new roof.  It amazed me that all these people gave their time and energy to be of service to me.

With growing new confidence that good things were available to me, I began new habits.  I set aside money to cover future expenses; I had the confidence to ask to be paid what I was worth at my job; I became determined that if we did not have the cash to buy something we didn’t buy it.  

Then, I moved and my house did not sell – well I had one offer that was WAY below market value.  Although it was not ideal,  I rented out the house and continued to hold the vision of it being a thriving asset for me.  Less than a year later the house caught fire and the entire inside was deemed a loss (What the HECK?! This wasn’t part of my plan!).  What a blow! Yet I held my vision steady and 6 months later repairs had been completed; fully paid for by insurance, and I sold the house for a significantly increased price.  

I could go on but I think you have the idea about how life shifted for me as I opened myself up to an abundance mindset and began believing the Universe Has My Back!  (If you have not read Gabby Bernstein’s book The Universe Has My Back I highly recommend it!)

So now the question is – are you ready to expand your thinking and begin embracing an abundant mindset?

I am here to be your guide now that you are ready (I KNOW you are ready!)

I will be teaching the steps I took to shift my thinking in my next class Embracing Abundance.  Pop on over to my website and get registered! www.tslimits.com/abundance.

Living from an abundance mindset has brought me such joy.   Just last week I was cleaning out an old bag and found a $20 bill.  I said to my daughter – Oh! Look I found money! With a face as serious as can be she said – that happens to me all the time now.  At first, I thought she was joking – and then as I continued the conversation I realized she was absolutely serious! She has a thriving little business selling used things and lately, she has had an abundance of cash floating around!

It feels good to know that I am now passing on a legacy of abundance to my kids.  Just today my other son sent me a picture of a check that is just the amount he needed to cover college tuition – he took the initiative to do some extra work and was rewarded with the abundance he asked for!

So as the title of Wayne Dyer’s book says it all – You Will See It When You Believe It.   Join me in believing abundance is YOUR destiny!


If you would like to receive the future articles related to this topic please subscribe here.

Vicki Haddock of Transcending Limits LLC is a life and business coach with a focus on helping you make your Eiffel Tower size hopes and dreams a reality.  Vicki uses her life experiences of overcoming toxic environments at home and at work; being a single parent and learning first of all to embrace her own wisdom and spirit.  She also uses her 20 year background in the transportation, safety and financial industry combined with her professional coach credential (ACC by the International Coach Federation) and the latest in neuroscience to help individuals and companies create excellence and live joyful fulfilled lives.  You may reach her at Vicki@tslimits.com

The post Embracing Abundance – My Journey from Scarcity to Abundant Living appeared first on Transcending Limits LLC.

Design90 https://tslimits.com/blog/design90/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=design90 Mon, 16 Dec 2019 23:02:35 +0000 https://tslimits.com/?p=1764 In the last 3 years, I have moved away from the traditional goal setting and have begun using some new tools to create outcomes.

I have done my share of setting new year’s resolutions, putting together corporate business objective plans (that no one ever referred to again) and

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Vicki Haddock; ACC  Life and Business Coach works with individuals and businesses to help them design a life and business they love.  She wants to see YOU tap into and explore the potential that is ready to be unlocked inside of you.

In the last 3 years, I have moved away from traditional goal setting and have begun using new tools that create with the end in mind and harness the power of your brain to help shape outcomes.

I have done my share of setting new year’s resolutions, putting together corporate business objective plans (that no one ever referred to again) and setting SMART goals.

Then I learned the power of creating with the end in mind.  If you might say – downloading a new operating system into my mind so that the end result was so clear the steps to make it happen then emerged from that new mental image.  If you want to learn my process for creating a clear long-term vision (1-3 years) go ahead and access a free 60 minute Vision Setting Tool here that teaches you how to create and use a focus wheel.

Your focus wheel becomes the center for creating a visual picture that includes what creating this vision will do for you and those you serve.  That clear vision includes – how you feel when you have accomplished this goal, who is celebrating with you, what are the ripple of effects on others when this becomes reality?

Once you have that clear vision, what happens next?  That is where Design90 comes in! It’s time to create a map of the next 90 days.  Our brain loves taking action every 7-14 days. This is the best way to keep engaged and focused with clear, consistent action.

“Intentional creating,” says we are going to be purposeful about taking action to get a specific outcome.  In designing your next 90 days, you must take a look at where you are now in relation to the long-term vision.

The purpose is not to map out every step in between here and there – that’s where we get distracted and give up when things don’t go as we wanted.  Instead, focus on just the next step, and the next step after that.

Learning the Design90 process involves a 5-step formula that helps you figure out what that next step is.  This process can be applied to any vision – whether that is a vision of having your house more organized, creating more connected relationships, starting a business, or taking a thriving business to a completely new level.  

Once the action plan is designed, it’s also important to look at what could get in the way.  We already have a good sense of what obstacles stop us from moving forward. Common ones I hear are self-doubt; lack of accountability; time; other people’s needs taking priority; and not being consistent.

Do you recognize any of these?

When you know what the obstacle is (or is likely to be!)  You can set up a plan of action to keep you from getting sidetracked when they show up.  Creating a good strategy that will carry you through obstacles is important. Otherwise, you may find yourself at the end of the year – once again not having accomplished what you desired because you got caught up in distraction instead of consistent focused action.

The Design90 class will be offered in January as a 3 session course.  Here is what you will receive in this class:

🔶 Learn how to intentionally design your life and business

🔶 Connect with and embrace what you want for your life 

🔶 Take the limits off of your imagination and visualize exactly what you want your future to look like; then design the next steps to create that future.

 🔶 Use a focus wheel and mind map to assess where you are today and where you would like to be in 1 year.

🔶  Use a 5-step design formula that works to create any desired change in life or business.

🔶 Identify obstacles, beliefs, and doubts that stand in the way of our desired change and how to get rid of them.

For more information on the class and how to get registered click here.

If you would like to receive the future articles related to this topic please subscribe here.

Vicki Haddock of Transcending Limits LLC is a business coach with a focus on developing new and emerging leaders and creating high-engagement cultures.  Vicki uses her 20 year background in the transportation, safety and financial industry combined with her professional coach credential (ACC by the International Coach Federation) and the latest in neuroscience to help companies create excellence and stand out among their peers.  You may reach her at Vicki@tslimits.com

The post Design90 appeared first on Transcending Limits LLC.

Heart-Centered Leadership – Authentically Leading Through Service https://tslimits.com/blog/heart-centeredleadership/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=heart-centeredleadership Wed, 06 Nov 2019 22:41:45 +0000 https://tslimits.com/?p=1461 What makes the difference between the good bosses and leaders you have experienced in your lifetime and the bad ones? Some feel like they have your best interest at heart and others make you feel like you are just another employee id number.

The post Heart-Centered Leadership – Authentically Leading Through Service appeared first on Transcending Limits LLC.


Vicki Haddock; ACC  Life and Business Coach works with businesses to  transform cultures from low engagement to energized and effective.

What makes the difference between the good bosses and leaders you have experienced in your lifetime and the bad ones?   Some feel like they have your best interest at heart and others make you feel like you are just another employee id number.

In my last post, I discussed how a leader can be the thermostat in his or her environment and have the ability to increase their leadership effectiveness in multiples. (Read that article here:) Today,  we will take a look the #1 most important are for a leader to grasp to be effective: Heart-Centered Leadership

These are 5 areas that are key to effective leadership:

  1. Heart-centered Leadership
  2. Emotional Intelligence
  3. Team Building
  4. Hard Skills
  5. Financial Success Acumen


While all of these are important heart-centered leadership is the one that can make or break you as a leader.  

Authentic heart-centered leaders have the best interest of the people they serve at the core of everything they do.   

John Maxwell states that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Another term for the same concept is servant leadership. Ken Blanchard believes that “servant leaders are constantly trying to find out what their people need to perform well and to live according to their organization’s vision. Rather than wanting people to please their bosses, servant leaders want to make a difference in their employees’ lives and in their organizations.”

The key is understanding that having a title does not make you a leader.  Learning how to earn the trust of those who work with and for you earns you the right to lead.

Many years ago I left the financial services industry and by accident ended up in the trash business.  I knew nothing about that actual business of picking up trash but I did know people.

I was the first female manager to be hired in a 10 state region.  The company was running in the red, had terrible equipment, the worst safety record possible, and a high turn over.  I didn’t know it at the time but if I hadn’t “accidentally” came to work at the company the site was going to be shut down.  

So here I was – I knew nothing about how a garbage truck worked, where the trash went, or how to fix the truck if it broke down.  I had a team that was rather skeptical that I could lead them anywhere and a lot of progress that needed to be made in a short period of time.

I intuitively knew that I had to get in the trenches with them if I was to earn their trust.  I began the process to get my commercial driver’s license and began working side by side with each employee.  I made sure each one felt listened too and like they were the most important person there. We began working together as a team to implement better customer service, safety practices, and take care of the equipment better.  

We developed a team that had such great rapport and performance that we could almost sense what needed doing and adjust on a dime.  Two years later the company was profitable, the team had achieved it’s best safety record ever and we had developed loyal customers and were enjoying newer equipment.

  • A business can be financially profitable and a terrible place to work.  
  • It can be filled with extremely intelligent, driven, awesome employees but if they are overlooked they become resentful and leave.  
  • The absolute best, safest employee you have can become disgruntled and walk away if he begins to feel like just another number.

However, a leader that brings people together, believes in them, pushes them, and holds them accountable can push a team weak in all the other areas to perform exceptionally.

Everyone wants to be part of something special and heat-centered leaders can create that special environment that everyone wants to be part of.  Be authentic. Care about the people behind the name tag. When you have the best interest of the people you serve at the core of every interaction you become a heart-centered leader.

If you would like to receive the future articles related to this topic please subscribe here.

Vicki Haddock of Transcending Limits LLC is a business coach with a focus on developing new and emerging leaders and creating high-engagement cultures.  Vicki uses her 20 year background in the transportation, safety and financial industry combined with her professional coach credential (ACC by the International Coach Federation) and the latest in neuroscience to help companies create excellence and stand out among their peers.  You may reach her at Vicki@tslimits.com

The post Heart-Centered Leadership – Authentically Leading Through Service appeared first on Transcending Limits LLC.

Be the Thermostat (not the Thermometer) in Your Business https://tslimits.com/blog/bethethermostat/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bethethermostat Tue, 05 Nov 2019 22:52:34 +0000 https://tslimits.com/?p=1454 Embracing this one simple concept can be the key that unlocks every shift you envision for your workplace.

A Thermostat sets the expectation and capacity. A thermometer measures the current status.

John Maxwell is one of my

The post Be the Thermostat (not the Thermometer) in Your Business appeared first on Transcending Limits LLC.


Vicki Haddock; ACC  Life and Business Coach works with businesses to  transform cultures from low engagement to energized and effective.

Embracing this one simple concept can be the key that unlocks every shift you envision for your workplace.

A Thermostat sets the expectation and capacity.  A thermometer measures the current status.

John Maxwell is one of my favorite leadership authors. He often said Everything rises and falls on Leadership.  The temperature of your company is set by your leadership thermostat and everything will rise or fall according to that temperature.

By increasing your own leadership quotient, you immediately expand the capacity of the workplace you lead. However, the temperature of the team you lead will rarely increase above your own personal leadership level.

Do you want to achieve significant shifts in your business?  Do you want to enhance culture and increase effectiveness? You can begin influencing key metrics by increasing your own knowledge and emotional intelligence.  Who is doing this better than you? Who is the expert? Raising your own level of leadership intelligence creates new insights and awarenesses that can then be used to influence your workplace.

Another significant insight is that you have the ability to increase effectiveness in multiples by investing in increasing the leadership thermostat of your supervisors and managers. Have you seen an individual who excelled at their front-line job be promoted up to the next level only to struggle? Maybe they were given a bit of training and then because they had excelled at the previous role they were expected to excel at the new leadership role.  No doubt each of these individuals had the capacity for significant performance. The understanding that can be missed is that the new and emerging leader’s “leadership temperature” was extremely low. A consistent investment in raising this new leader’s individual leadership quotient would shift the odds for he or she to become a key player for the future.

There are five areas that can be focused on to significantly raise any leader’s “leadership temperature.”  

  • Heart-centered leadership – This skill is the one that ties all of the other areas together and is all about leading from an intuitive space or what’s best for employees, customers and business profitability.
  • Emotional Intelligence –  the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict.
  • Team Building – the skill of creating an effective team of people where each individuals talent is used to maximize the good of the entire team – everyone works together like a fine tuned engine.
  • Hard Skills – How to hold an engaging meeting, delegation, communication, accountability; skills on how to train others and many more specific to your own environment.
  • Financial Success Acumen – the level that each team member understands his or her role and responsibility as it relates to the financial performance of the company.

I will explore each of these areas in future articles.  

What would the possibilities be for you if you adopted this philosophy of the thermostat and the thermometer? What metrics could you move towards success?

If you would like to receive the future articles related to this topic please subscriber here.

Vicki Haddock of Transcending Limits LLC is a business coach with a focus on developing new and emerging leaders and creating high-engagement cultures.  Vicki uses her 20 year background in the transportation, safety and financial industry combined with her professional coach credential (ACC by the International Coach Federation) and the latest in neuroscience to help companies create excellence and stand out among their peers.  You may reach her at Vicki@tslimits.com

The post Be the Thermostat (not the Thermometer) in Your Business appeared first on Transcending Limits LLC.

3 Action Steps for a Toxic Job Environment https://tslimits.com/blog/toxicjob/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=toxicjob Fri, 25 Oct 2019 19:35:29 +0000 https://tslimits.com/?p=1426 I was pulled off the road sitting in my car on an unscheduled conference call with my boss and sales manager. For forty-five minutes I listened to him berate me for how I had handled a project. He didn’t even come close to having his facts straight about the

The post 3 Action Steps for a Toxic Job Environment appeared first on Transcending Limits LLC.


Vicki Haddock; ACC  Life and Business Coach works with individuals to help them move forward from toxic job environments to find meaning and purpose in a job environment that embraces each client’s values and true inner purpose.

I was pulled off the road sitting in my car on an unscheduled conference call with my boss and sales manager.  I listened to him berate me for how I had handled a project for forty-five minutes. He didn’t even come close to having his facts straight about the situation and was missing some key information.  But he wasn’t asking. He was telling.  

I hung up the phone wondering how I had found myself in this work environment that was slowly stealing my life force.

Anxiety. Dread, feeling like my true gifts are being overlooked or even worse not cared about at all. I felt micro-managed -like nothing I did was good enough and that the expectations for performance were constantly and unreasonably being ratcheted up.  I finally acknowledged that I was in  toxic workspace that was draining me completely.


What happens next when you realize that you are working in a culture/environment that no longer aligns with your values and drains your energy instead of moving you forward?


Everything in life is a choice and now you have a choice to make.  Do I continue to suffer in the situation? Do I look for a new job?  What do I do now?

Finding yourself in a high-stress toxic job situation can be one of the best learning experiences if you allow it to be.   When I work with clients who feel crushed under a toxic job environment we always start with the lessons:


What life lesson(s) is this situation asking you to learn?  

Life has a way of repeating situations in different environments.  Each time a similar experience happens the intensity can strengthen until it gets your attention.   This is life’s way of asking you to clear out habits, hurts, and insecurities that no longer serve your purpose.  Once they are cleared there is no more need for the lesson and circumstances can shift quickly. You can get to the root of the lessons by asking a few questions:

What can I learn here so I never have to experience this again?

So here is what I recommend – ask yourself some tough questions:

  • What is this experience here to teach me?
  • What situations are causing me anxiety and if I learned to handle them differently would they still be an issue?
  • What similar situations have I experienced in the past? – then look for the common thread. 

Spend some time journaling about this and you may end up finding everything always goes south when you feel unheard; or when there is a workplace bully you don’t know how to deal with.  

In my experience, each time I faced a toxic work situation it was also touching some sore spot in my soul that I needed to heal and upgrade.    I realized that I could shift my response to what was happening around me and change the dynamics of the situation immediately.


Plan your exit strategy

Once you have really been honest with yourself in the lessons this situation is offering you,  then it’s time to decide what aligns most with your happiness.



Staying for a length of time? 

Leaving immediately?


This question is unique for each person – if you are in a workplace that has unethical practices that may lead to legal issues you most likely want to leave sooner than later.  Take a look at your overall circumstance and then begin to ask yourself – what is my ideal work environment like? What would I be doing? How would I feel doing it?

Don’t get stuck in the dangerous thinking at this point that there are no other possibilities out there and you have to put up endlessly with the existing situation.  Options always exist when we take the time to explore and search for them.

Once you have identified what that ideal work opportunity would look like, it’s time to take a step towards attracting that opportunity to you.

Write out a clear statement of what you want and when you want it by.  Then keep that in front of you. Your statement might look like this:

Within six months I will find a position as an operations supervisor, that allows me to use my team-building and leadership skills.  This environment will be a pro-active one that cares about people first and utilizes the skills of each team member. This will be a place I look forward to going to work each day and know I am making a difference there.

Your exit strategy will vary depending on if it requires you to get additional training and education or if you are fully prepared to move to the next step.  Possibly it’s time to start your own business or look at flexible work opportunities. Identifying what this looks like is the catalyst to unlocking the next step forward.

The last and final point to explore is:


What do I while I am still there?

Let’s say you are embracing the lessons this situation has for you; you have an exit strategy in the process; now what do I do until it all comes together?

Don’t underestimate the influence you can be while you are still at this job.  When you can detach from the emotion of being in a toxic space, you can free up your energy to be of service to others while you are still there.

If you are struggling in the workplace, no doubt others are too.  How can you be a positive inspiration to those around you? I am not referring to a US vs THEM culture of rallying people around the defects of the environments.  Instead, have an attitude of service that says, how can I give the best of my abilities to those I serve while I am here? How can I give the best of me to those I influence?


When you can say you gave your best, even on your last day that is being a class act.   It garners respect.  


So here is the thing…don’t allow the toxic work environment to consume your life.  Have the attitude that you work to live; not that you live to work. Life will give you what you demand of it.  Raise your expectations and expect to find work that satisfies your soul and you most likely will. Feel like you are stuck and trapped in a bad job situation and you most likely will be.  


There are plenty of people out there to support you on this journey.  I am one of those people. Send me a note – I would love to hear your experience and learn how I can support you on your journey forward.

Vicki Haddock; ACC  Life and Business Coach works with individuals to help them move forward from toxic job environments to find meaning and purpose in a job environment that embraces each client’s values and true inner purpose.  Send your story to Vicki at vicki@tslimits.com

The post 3 Action Steps for a Toxic Job Environment appeared first on Transcending Limits LLC.
