Vicki Haddock; ACC  Life and Business Coach works with individuals and businesses to help them design a life and business they love.  She wants to see YOU tap into and explore the potential that is ready to be unlocked inside of you.

In the last 3 years, I have moved away from traditional goal setting and have begun using new tools that create with the end in mind and harness the power of your brain to help shape outcomes.

I have done my share of setting new year’s resolutions, putting together corporate business objective plans (that no one ever referred to again) and setting SMART goals.

Then I learned the power of creating with the end in mind.  If you might say – downloading a new operating system into my mind so that the end result was so clear the steps to make it happen then emerged from that new mental image.  If you want to learn my process for creating a clear long-term vision (1-3 years) go ahead and access a free 60 minute Vision Setting Tool here that teaches you how to create and use a focus wheel.

Your focus wheel becomes the center for creating a visual picture that includes what creating this vision will do for you and those you serve.  That clear vision includes – how you feel when you have accomplished this goal, who is celebrating with you, what are the ripple of effects on others when this becomes reality?

Once you have that clear vision, what happens next?  That is where Design90 comes in! It’s time to create a map of the next 90 days.  Our brain loves taking action every 7-14 days. This is the best way to keep engaged and focused with clear, consistent action.

“Intentional creating,” says we are going to be purposeful about taking action to get a specific outcome.  In designing your next 90 days, you must take a look at where you are now in relation to the long-term vision.

The purpose is not to map out every step in between here and there – that’s where we get distracted and give up when things don’t go as we wanted.  Instead, focus on just the next step, and the next step after that.

Learning the Design90 process involves a 5-step formula that helps you figure out what that next step is.  This process can be applied to any vision – whether that is a vision of having your house more organized, creating more connected relationships, starting a business, or taking a thriving business to a completely new level.  

Once the action plan is designed, it’s also important to look at what could get in the way.  We already have a good sense of what obstacles stop us from moving forward. Common ones I hear are self-doubt; lack of accountability; time; other people’s needs taking priority; and not being consistent.

Do you recognize any of these?

When you know what the obstacle is (or is likely to be!)  You can set up a plan of action to keep you from getting sidetracked when they show up.  Creating a good strategy that will carry you through obstacles is important. Otherwise, you may find yourself at the end of the year – once again not having accomplished what you desired because you got caught up in distraction instead of consistent focused action.

The Design90 class will be offered in January as a 3 session course.  Here is what you will receive in this class:

🔶 Learn how to intentionally design your life and business

🔶 Connect with and embrace what you want for your life 

🔶 Take the limits off of your imagination and visualize exactly what you want your future to look like; then design the next steps to create that future.

 🔶 Use a focus wheel and mind map to assess where you are today and where you would like to be in 1 year.

🔶  Use a 5-step design formula that works to create any desired change in life or business.

🔶 Identify obstacles, beliefs, and doubts that stand in the way of our desired change and how to get rid of them.

For more information on the class and how to get registered click here.

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Vicki Haddock of Transcending Limits LLC is a business coach with a focus on developing new and emerging leaders and creating high-engagement cultures.  Vicki uses her 20 year background in the transportation, safety and financial industry combined with her professional coach credential (ACC by the International Coach Federation) and the latest in neuroscience to help companies create excellence and stand out among their peers.  You may reach her at