It’s time to explore the possibilities of what life will look like when you find your voice, confidence and clarity to own who you are and quit letting others control your destiny.
You know all too well what NOT having that feels like. Every day you wake up exhausted, with a fearful feeling in the pit of your stomach and you are so ready to leave all this behind:
You’re sick and tired being on an emotional roller coaster. One minute life feels great and like all is well- and the next moment it feels like everything is falling apart around you. Relationships. Job. Finances. Mindset. Kids.
Walking on eggshells sucks the life out of you – even when things are going good you are on “high-alert” and wonder when the “other shoe” will drop and feel like there are no good options.
It’s hard to speak your mind and your voice doesn’t seem to matter anyway. The “real” you is hiding behind keeping everyone else happy.
Every area of your life is touched by the emotional roller coaster.

Quit waiting for circumstances to change and instead become the change you want now!
You may be feeling like…
“I’ve done the work, I’ve gone to counseling and therapy and I STILL feel trapped.”
You are WORTH the life you have yet to live
🔶 Learn how to transform your life trough the power of mindset! Learn how the simply catching and changing negative thoughts, affirmations and mantras can dramatically shift your life and why you may not have had success in that past with these techniques.
🔶 Learn to trust yourself and make quick confident decisions! Recognize when you second guessing yourself and own your power to make decisions that are awesome for you!
🔶 Have the confidence to decide, take action and stick with it! This is it! This is your life and it’s time to follow through and create lasting change!
🔶 Know how to identify and respond to toxic behavior by others!
🔶 Be aware of patterns controlling our lives and create new healthier ones. Be the one to change the generational patterns and bring a new level of healing to your entire family.
🔶 Get the power of your subconscious mind working with you for new results!
🔶 Design your life how YOU want it and use neuroscience and visualization to help create it!
🔶 For the first time ever – know who you are – TRUST who you are!

Now is your Change to Change your Life forever (and the lives of those around you!)
You can not change what you can not see. When you begin to see and understand clearly only THEN can you create lasting change.
Once you clearly see you connect the dots. Then embrace new mindset, honor your intuition, desires and learn tools and strategies that create breakthroughs.
Life transforms and can never go back to the way it was. People, situations, and things transform around you as you show up as your authentic self!
Here’s some of the way’s I have helped other’s transform their lives!
✓ I have seen more positive change and growth in the short time than I did in several years of therapy and counseling!
✓ I have done nothing but praise the journey and process of working with you. Truly, thank you. I needed someone to guide me, to hold my hand and be present with me.
✓ Thanks for sharing and for guiding me! It’s a challenge for me to grow, but it’s what I need to move forward.
✓ I was not going to stay in a toxic relationship for one more year but knew I needed some extra guidance to get me over some hurdles and across that finish line. My path crossed with Vicki’s and I knew it was meant to be. She became the backbone that I needed and didn’t have the helped me make tough decisions and free myself!
✓ In 6 plus weeks I have gained more confidence and found the strength to file for divorce. I have strategized, planned and overcome many obstacles that came up along the way. Vicki has been by my side 100% of the time encouraging me and celebrating my every accomplishment. I have so much respect for her and she can help you like she has helped me. Life is too short not to be happy!
✓ Working with Vicki was very helpful and encouraging. The most important part was that I gained confidence to make decisions and take action in my life. I now feel that I can do things by myself and have confidence to believe in me and make my dreams come true.
Your life is a direct reflection of the strength and quality of your inner foundation. Strengthen your inner world and your physical world will follow.
-Vicki Haddock

Why do I want you to Join me?
I wanted to create a safe, supportive, inspiring space for you to stretch and grow to the next level of life meant for you. A space that I never had when I needed it.
Nine years ago I left my 17-year long marriage. I was determined I would NOT live the next 10-15 years of my life as miserable as the last years had been. That is when I began my own journey of strengthening my personal foundation.
I wanted more than anything to be a role model to my kids and to stop the generational cycles of addiction and abuse (emotionally, verbally, financially, spiritually and physically)
Now almost 10 years later, thanks to my strong foundation that I built, I love my life. I have raised awesome kids, I am following my passion as a coach and entrepreneur, and I find joy and peace and fun every day in my life!
Today, as a certified Life and Business coach and NLP (neurolinguistic programming) Practitioner, I thrive on helping women fan their inner flame, own their power and brilliance and live their one best life.
When you become who you were meant to be you will set the world on fire!
-St. Catherine of Siena
A strong personal foundation is the first major milestone on the path of self-development.
Internal GPS
WEEK 1 – Who am I REALLY? (not who was I told to be!)
This week is all about creating a safe space for the REAL you to be seen and explore what SHE looks like!
WEEK 2 – Meet Your Gremlin aka Inner Critic
This week meet your Gremlin – you know that voice in your head that always says mean things! See how it is NOT the real you and how to partner with it instead of be controlled by it.
WEEK 3 – Partnering with your Brain for Change – get Neuroscience on your side
Gain an understanding your physical brain and how you can use your amazing neural networks to create lasting positive change. Let’s rewire those yucky patterns into new one.
WEEK 4 – How your Past May be Controlling Your present
Learn how generational and family cycles may have set you up for failure. How to spot them create new ripples that impact future generations for GOOD!
WEEK 5 – Myths that keep you stuck in Victim Mindset
Identify the 10 most common myths your Gremlin uses to keep us stuck and what to do when you spot them.
WEEK 6 – Connect with your Inner Value
Learn what is important to YOU and how to use those values to guide your life and decision making processes.
WEEK 7 – Meet Your Wise all-knowing Inner Guide
Learn how to tap into and operate your internal GPS system – and how it ALWAYS takes you in the direction for your highest good!
PLUS! ++
- Guest Expert on Taming your Inner Chaos!
- FB Group for support and maximum growth
- Group Coaching Calls
- Meet with your coach 1:1!
Here’s what you get!
* 7 Modules with Video Lessons
*7 Group Coaching Session for Application
* FB Group for check-in’s and homework
* 2 45 minute individual coaching session
*Guest Experts
1 Payment of $750 OR
3 Monthly Payments of $280
(see payment options at checkout!)
Are you ready to dive in and BE the change you want to see?
You Are the Transitional Character for yourself, your family and your workplace!
A Transitional Character is one who, in a single generation, changes the entire course of a lineage!