About Us

Vicki Haddock
Founder & CEO
Transcending Limits LLC
Hi! I’m so grateful you are here and taking a bit of time to learn more about me and why I’m so passionate about this work!
It’s taken me 10 years, countless investments of time, money, and tears to create this place for you to find courage to break cycles and boldly live as your greatest self. Even I have been inspired by one of my guests on the Becoming Unsilenced podcast who said, “Never, Never give up on your dreams. Beat the door down telling the universe it’s time to make it happen.”
My greatest love to every person who reads these word and pauses on this site…may your life be enriched from whatever time you spend here whether it’s 20 seconds or traveling with us for the next 20 years!

My Self
My purpose is to live with joy each day regardless of my circumstances and to be the absolute best me I can be in every interaction.
The words that describe me are Inspirer, Adventurer, Overcomer, Catalyst, Persistent, lifelong learner. I’ve experienced my share of hurt, sorrow, and loss. My mom always said you can become bitter or better. I chose better and that has led me to a life-long journey of breaking familial, generational, and cultural toxic cycles. Everything I teach about I have been through. Through my journey, I re-discovered ME – the cool awesome wise courageous spirit that lives inside this female, human-shaped body. Today I live an adventure lifestyle (follow my travels on Instagram) and love leading the way for other women.
Here are a few of the life experiences I have had!
Being excommunicated from a toxic religion at the age of 15 and having to completely start over.
Unhappy marriage with addiction and co-dependency toxicity.
Divorce and starting over (again)
Being determined to role model new ways for my 3 kids as their primary parent.
Thriving as a female leader in a male-dominated workplace.
Leaving a job I loved in Corporate America to become an Entrepreneur
Facing every fear that got in my way….and living to tell about it!
Creating a peaceful, joy-filled life that I love.
Seeing my three amazing kids break generational cycles and thrive

My Family & Relationships
I believe thriving, joy-filled purposeful relationships can be created in all areas of life when we heal ourselves, connect to our own inner guiding wisdom, and take daily inspired action without attachment to outcome.
Today, I have thriving, harmonious, joy-filled relationships with my family, friends, and all those I meet. It wasn’t always that way though! As I healed my past trauma, connected to my own inner wisdom and learned to take action towards my dream, my relationship improved step by step.
I’ve had to make the tough decisions to leave behind a toxic religion, a 17-year marriage, and jobs that no longer served my greatest good.
The people and events in my life have become my own “Prabadakarma” – that is my own uniquely designed life university preparing me for the work I was born to do.
I am MOM to three amazing humans who are now off experiencing their own unique journey in life. They were my own personal catalysts for personal growth and change.

I’m passionate about creating better leaders in the workplace – no matter what your title is you lead those around you.
I started my working career at age 7 when I begged my mom to let me have a paper route with my sisters! It’s changed a lot since then! As an adult, I spent 20 years in male-dominated industries (finance and trash!) I rose to the challenge of being a female leader having to earn her way amongst skeptical men. It wasn’t always fun, or easy. Yet, I loved leading people and teams.
Each new work opportunity came with its challenges. The micro-managing, domineering female dis-regarding boss. The passive boss. The female co-workers who wanted what I had without doing the work. The dysfunctional cultures that emerged when good leadership is missing.
No one taught me how to lead in those early years. I read every book I could to figure out and learn better ways. Then, gradually, I learned how to have difficult conversations, how to hold people accountable for their work, how to cast a vision and create cultures that grew effective teams. This was my jam!
Then a seed began growing in me – a desire to be able to use all of my gifts and talents in a new and meaningful way. It led me to become certified as a coach and prepare to go into my business for myself. In 2019, I made the leap. I was as prepared as one could be to dive into entrepreneurship. It’s not been exactly what I planned, but it’s been exactly what I needed and I’m so happy I’m here!

Lead the Way
The only way to lead and create permanent change is to first be the change yourself – and then role model that way to others.
It’s always been my personal philosophy that I had to do first what I expected others to do. This philosophy led me to learn how to drive a garbage truck and get my commercial driver’s license and it lead me to pursue healing layer upon layers of trauma as a way to heal the people and relationships in my life.
Instead of blaming others for poor relationships, toxic workplaces, or family chaos – I teach women how to lead through their own actions.
I spent 20 years in the finance and waste industries leading teams and shifting cultures. I’ve led the way in breaking generational cycles of addiction and co-dependency to give my children a better future, and I’ve led myself into designing a life I love.
Today, I lead women who are committed to their own healing, connection and using their experiences to help others. If you know that you are here for a purpose, you know your experiences can help others find freedom then welcome home!

Our Mission at Transcending Limits is to grow, lead and nurture an ever-expanding international community of women dedicated to owning their greatest potential and living unsilenced lives as beacons and role models for family, friends, workplaces, and communities. These change-makers are transitional characters uncompromising committed to ending dysfunction in one generation. They shine as beacons of hope, joy and peace as they bring healing, connection, and inspired action to their families, friends, and workplaces. We are each are changing the world one interaction at a time.
Healing, Connection, Inspired Action
Self, Communication & All Relationships
Family, Friends, Workplaces, Communities & the World!

Guiding Principles
This is what you can expect from me when we work together:
100% respect for the uniqueness and worth of you as an individual — a judgement-free zone.
I believe you have all of the answers inside of you… I can help you unlock and connect with them.
I will encourage you to lead by example… you can’t expect others to do what you’re not willing to do.
Your dreams, desires and goals are alive in your heart for a reason and you’re always provided (or can access) the resources to fulfill them.
You will find solutions to every challenge in front of you as you personally grow and expand to new levels.
You will get what you focus on (whether positive or negative).
You live in an abundant world. Your resources, potential relationships (friends, family, clients, employees) are unlimited. There is enough for every individual and business to thrive.
You have to know your WHY before you know your WHAT before you know your HOW and I will help you figure that out 😉
If it’s possible in the world it’s possible for you.

Growing my professional skillset is an ongoing commitment to excellence!
B.A. Concordia University; Organizational Business Management
Coach U; Core Essentials 2017
Coach U; Advanced 2020
IntraAwareness; Neuro-linguistic Programming Certified 2019
Synovation Valley Leadership Academy; Advanced Leadership Training 2015-2020
ICF (International Coach Federation); ACC 2017
Various Advanced non-certification learning in crucial conversations; neuroscience; somatics; meditation; spirituality; and inner-voice work.
I combine my own personal experiences with professional training.
Today I use an experiential learning and coaching process that combines all of my learning in a unique way that accelerates healing trauma, connecting to one’s own inner guiding wisdom, and provides accountability and confidence to take inspired action in the direction of one’s dreams.